Success Stories
I Can’t Stop Telling Friends, Colleagues And Even New Acquaintances…
I wonder how many people are just plain “Missing Out on Life” and could use The Missing Step [the core program and process that helps anyone to discover and live their WHITE HOT] to get back in the game?
I’ve spent a lot of time learning about how to be a better me (including discovering my strengths, my weaknesses and my life skills) from a bunch of sources. BUT nothing until now has put it all together and made so much sense so that I can actually apply it to my life. I’ve been given the clarity to make the right changes to live the life of my dreams. It felt like Troy was sitting beside me to make sure I live a life where I’m contributing what I was born to share and impacting lives far greater than I once thought possible.
I keep pinching myself wondering how I got so lucky to get introduced to Troy Tate and The Missing Step. I can’t stop telling friends, colleagues and even new acquaintances about it. (If you know me, you probably are either “taking” The Missing Step already or are getting very tired of me going on and on about it.) If you feel like work is a heavy burden or you need to find work to pay the bills, you need The Missing Step. Even if you think you are doing ok in your current job or career, I challenge you to “take” The Missing Step – open the door to experiencing “work” at a much happier, more rewarding and more meaningful level!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!
I just finished listening to the complete series of sessions and I am feeling like the greatest gift in the world has just been given to me! I almost don’t know where to begin to tell you what listening to these phenomenal steps has done for me. To think that you will be touching so many lives with those same clear, profound words gives me goose bumps.
I am on fire with enthusiasm; For you, for me, for all the folks who are about to find out just what The Missing Step is all about. It’s all I can do not to call up everyone I know and have them place their order RIGHT NOW for this incredible program. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you have done, for all that you are and for all that you are about to do.
Marilyn S.,Franklin, TN
[part of an unsolicited e-mail to Troy Tate after completing The Missing Step]
Is It Possible To Double Perfection?
On a scale of 1 to 10, The Missing Step is a “20″! Troy’s authenticity is at its best throughout this creation and I believe young and old will benefit from this insightful and honest process. If I had a wish, it would be that Troy had shared “The Missing Step” with me 20 years ago and that I would have had the wisdom to listen to it!
Kathy Y., San Diego, CA